picoCTF 2022: web – SQLiLite

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

SQLiLite Description Can you login to this website? Try to login here. Solving Connecting to the website will give us a login form. Assuming for a sql injection (title of the task) we try to login via ' or 1=1– for username and password. This works… the flag should be in plainsight… okay then the sourcecode or selecting everything again…


picoCTF 2022: web – SQL Direct

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

SQL Direct Description Connect to this PostgreSQL server and find the flag! The connectionsettings could be different on your side. psql -h saturn.picoctf.net -p 59911 -U postgres pico Password is ‚postgres‘ Solving With the given connectionstring we can log into the postgres database There we just need to ‚SELECT‘ what we want. With ‚\l‘ you can list the databases and


picoCTF 2022: web – Secrets

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Secrets Description We have several pages hidden. Can you find the one with the flag? The website is running here. Solving Visiting the website does not really help… but the hint tells that there are some folders. Because gobuster or other fuzzing tools in CTF is not really nice to the infrastructure I tested the usual things: robots.txt -> nothing


picoCTF 2022: web – Search Source

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Search source Description The developer of this website mistakenly left an important artifact in the website source, can you find it? The website is here. Solving Downloading whole website via ‚wget –recursive http://saturn.picoctf.net:56849/‘ Then you coud easily grep the sourcefiles for the flag. #!/bin/bash echo "Downloading website…" wget –recursive http://saturn.picoctf.net:56849/ > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Changing DIR Name…" mv saturn.picoctf.net:56849 website


picoCTF 2022: web – Roboto Sans

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Roboto Sans Description The flag is somewhere on this web application not necessarily on the website. Find it. Check this out. Solving Visit the website Digging in the sourcecode – nothing there Looking the low-hanging fruits robots.txt — this is interesting In the robots.txt there are some base64 encoded strings decoding it point us to ‚js/myfile.txt‘

picoCTF 2022: web – Local Authority

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Local Authority Description Can you get the flag? Go to this website and see what you can discover. Solving Downloaded website via ‚wget http://saturn.picoctf.net:50959/‘ Looked at the site – just a normal site with a login prombt. Looking at sourcecode. Action is calling ‚login.php‘ — downloading as well In ‚login.php‘ a ’secure.js‘ is included… downloading There is a password in


picoCTF 2022: web – Inspect HTML

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Inspect HTML Description Can you get the flag? Go to this website and see what you can discover. Solving Downloaded website via ‚wget http://saturn.picoctf.net:49609/‘ or inspect the website directly. Looked into the file via ‚vi‘. At the end is a comment with the flag. For flag use ‚./get_flag.sh‘ #!/bin/bash wget "http://saturn.picoctf.net:49609/index.html" grep -o "picoCTF{.*}" index.html rm -rf index.html

picoCTF 2022: web – Forbidden Paths

Ulli Weichert/ April 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Forbidden Paths Description Can you get the flag? Here’s the website. We know that the website files live in ‚/usr/share/nginx/html/‘ and the flag is at ‚/flag.txt‘ but the website is filtering absolute file paths. Can you get past the filter to read the flag? Solving Open the site and you will see a form, where you can read files. Some
