Marco Schmidt/ Oktober 28, 2021/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare


Writeups to the BSides Jeddah CTF - 2021

Situation - BSides Jeddah

BSides Jeddah is coming up with a blueteam flavored CTF this year hosted by CyberDefenders. This will be a Jeopardy-style intermediate CTF with a few harder challenges, including network analysis, memory forensics, and malicious document analysis.
To get latest updates, follow us on twitter @JeddahBsides , @CyberDefenders.

PS: Make sure to analyze files in an isolated/virtualized environment as some artifacts may be malicious.


Link2file hash
PCAP 776f65caeb03d541202a7f86cc4e9834d06f5351
MEMORYDUMP 0c0a610a3d6be28d0c1de68a570aff750c7f1907

Compression password: J59fRMPxKCT3VEwB

Q#1 What is the victim's MAC address? Format: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Weight: 50


Victim was -> Look for the MAC in any paket send or received from that IP

Flag: 000c29b7ca91

Q#2 What is the address of the company associated with the victim's machine MAC address?

Weight: 100


Search for the MAC address -> find VMWare, look for the address of their HQ.

Flag: 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 US

Q#3 What is the attacker's IP address? Format:

Weight: 50


As we know the victim was .139, look at the sources of the traffic to the victim -> stands out a lot and is our attacker.


Q#4 What is the IPv4 address of the DNS server used by the victim machine?

Weight: 50


Set filter to "DNS", look at the pakets


Q#5 What domain is the victim looking up in packet 5648?

Weight: 50


Look at package and copy the URL.


Q#6 What is the server certificate public key that was used in TLS session: 731300002437c17bdfa2593dd0e0b28d391e680f764b5db3c4059f7abadbb28e

Weight: 50


Wireshark Filter: ssl.handshake.type == 11
Packet 2739 is the correct package. Look inside TLS, TLSv1.2, Handshake Protocol: Server Key Exchange, EC Diffie-Hellman, Pubkey

Flag: 64089e29f386356f1ffbd64d7056ca0f1d489a09cd7ebda630f2b7394e319406

Q#7 What domain is the victim connected to in packet 4085?

Weight: 100


Search for package, select TCP Stream and look for URLs.


Q#8 The attacker conducted a port scan on the victim machine. How many open ports did the attacker find?

Weight: 150
The port scan is done via a SYN scan, look out for a SYN from the attacker, a SYN/ACK from the victim, another ACK from the attacker and then a RST/ACK from the attacker -> You can find the following open ports: 25, 110, 135, 139, 143, 445 and 587

Flag: 7

Q#9 Analyze the pcap using the provided rules. What is the CVE number falsely alerted by Suricata? Format: CVE-XXXX-XXXXX

Weight: 50


I installed suricata on my kali vm, run it on the pcap file -> grep the output for CVE.

Flag: CVE-2020-11899

Q#10 What is the command parameter sent by the attacker in packet number 2650?

Weight: 100


Look at the package -> command is "EHLO kali"

Flag: kali

Q#11 What is the stream number which contains email traffic?

Weight: 100


Filter on the stream from package 2650: Look at either the filter or the top of the pop-up windows -> " eq 1183"

Flag: 1183

Q#12 What is the victim's email address?

Weight: 50


Find the email stream (question 11), follow the stream and read the data from the pop-up


Q#13 What was the time attacker sent the email? Format: HH:MM:SS

Weight: 100


Filter on the stream 1183 and read the time from the email

Flag: 12:31:54

Q#14 What is the version of the program used to send the email? Format: 2.30

Weight: 50


Look at the filtered stream from the questions before -> Sendmail 1.56

Flag: 1.56

Q#15 What is the MD5 hash of the email attachment?

Weight: 50


Filter the selected stream to the Attacker -> Victim Connection, set it to raw, save the file as email.eml, open it and extract the word -> md5sum word

Flag: 55e7660d9b21ba07fc34630d49445030

Q#16 What is the CVE number the attacker tried to exploit using the malicious document? Format: CVE-XXXX-XXXXX

Weight: 100


Upload the word to virustotal -> lots of stuff and descriptions with CVE-2021-40444

Flag: CVE-2021-40444

Q#17 The malicious document file contains a URL to a malicious HTML file. Provide the URL for this file.

Weight: 100



Q#18 What is the LinkType of the OLEObject related to the relationship which contains the malicious URL?

Weight: 100


Extract the word file from the email, extract the "web server.docx" with 7zip -> look at the document.xml and find the string "LinkType" -> EnhancedMetaFile</o:LinkType>

Flag: EnhancedMetaFile

Q#19 What is the Microsoft Office version installed on the victim machine?

Weight: 100


Can be found in one of the Useragents in the pcap.

Flag: 15.0.4517

Q#20 The malicious HTML contains a js code that points to a malicious CAB file. Provide the URL to the CAB file?

Weight: 50



Q#21 The exploit takes advantage of a CAB vulnerability. Provide the vulnerability name?

Weight: 100


Search for the CVE and you can find the name

Flag: ZipSlip

Q#22 The CAB file contains a malicious dll file. What is the tool used to generate the dll?

Weight: 50


If you take the malicious dll file and upload it to virus total, you will get the answer metasploit.

Flag: metasploit

Thanks to H-mmer for the hint!

Q#23 What is the path of malicious dll (msword.inf) after being dropped by the document file? Replace your username with IEUser

Weight: 150


Analyze the word.html and the script inside -> deobfuscate the links:

Flag: C:\Users\IEUser\Appdata\Local\Temp\msword.inf

Q#24 Analyzing the dll file, what is the API used to write the shellcode in the process memory?

Weight: 100


Load the msword.inf in Cutter (or use strings)

Flag: WriteProcessMemory

Q#25 Extracting the shellcode from the dll file. What is the name of the library loaded by the shellcode?

Weight: 100
Packet 3561 inside the pcap

Flag: wininet

Q#26 What is the port the attacker used to receive the reverse shell on?

Weight: 100
Looking through the pcap and you can see tons of traffic to port 443 from the attacker (17MB traffic in total)

Flag: 443

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